5 Signs It Is Time to Replace Your Commercial Freezer

5 Signs It Is Time to Replace Your Commercial Freezer

5 Signs It Is Time to Replace Your Commercial FreezerIf you own a business that relies on commercial freezers, it is imperative to know when it’s time to replace your unit. While costs for these freezers aren’t cheap, malfunctioning units can end up costing your business more in repairs, energy bills, and food loss – not to mention how potential reduced services can impact your reputation and profits. Staying on top of maintenance and replacing your run-down freezer will help lower these costs, so you can save more in the long run.

In this article, we share some tell-tale signs of when your freezer needs replacing.

1. Loud or odd sounds

A constant and light humming noise is completely normal, but if your unit seems to be running louder than usual, and with an odd clicking sound, then you might have a motor or condenser fan problem. This often causes the fridge to turn off and on by itself, resulting in food preservation issues due to its higher temperature. Unfortunately, a compressor is the most expensive part of the freezer, which means replacing the whole unit might be more affordable. To avoid this issue, keep to a regular maintenance schedule or contact your local professional for repairs as soon as you notice a problem.

2. Leakage and frost build-up

One of the more common signs indicating a need for repair is increased occurrences of leakage or frost build-up in your freezer. Ice or frost build ups are most likely a result of excess moisture, caused by air leaks between panels or other cooler components. This not only causes you to lose items to frost bite but also increases the risk of bacterial growth due to condensation. Stagnant water from leakages can also result in other problems like mould and mildew. As such, if you find yourself regularly scraping ice from your cooler or cleaning up puddles of water, it may be time to contact a repair technician immediately.

3. Food spoils before expiry date

Are your perishable items spoiling before their expiration date? If so, this might be the sign of an operating problem in your unit. It is important to bear in mind that freezer operating issues will not only negatively affect the quality of your products but also jeopardise the health of your customers. This can result in a significant loss in revenue. To avoid this situation, remember to regularly check the unit temperature – if the numbers are not anywhere between -10F to 0F, adjust the setting before giving your local repair company a ring.

4. Increased energy costs

The doors on your freezer should have good seals to maximise its performance, which is why you need to monitor for any signs of possible malfunction. However, it is common for door seals to become worn out with constant use. Flaws in the sealing system can easily fluctuate the internal temperature of your freezer. As a result of the poor insulation – with cold air escaping and heat leaking in, your freezer would overcompensate by consuming more energy to fix the problem. This then results in the sudden, unexpected hike in utility bills and a shorter lifespan for the unit.

5. Increased repair costs

If you have increasingly frequent repairs, it might be advisable to weigh the repair bills against the cost of a new freezer. With proper maintenance, a new unit will give you years of peak performance while keeping your food fresh until the expiration date. It’s far better to invest your money in a new energy-efficient refrigerator rather than spending large amounts of money on repair costs. As a good rule of thumb, if you have multiple faulty parts or if your refrigerator is over 10 years old, it is probably time to replace it. With proper maintenance, a commercial refrigerator can last up to a decade.

Looking for commercial refrigerator freezer experts? BOSSY’s Refrigeration takes pride in providing high levels of customer support and personal service. For over 30 years, we have offered quality and reliable catering freezer servicing, maintenance and commercial refrigeration repairs in Adelaide. Get in touch with our friendly team for more information on how we can help you with your commercial refrigeration needs!

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